Event Feedback

Norwich Wine Week Showcase

Thank you so much for getting involved in Norwich Wine Week The Showcase!

We are so glad to have you join us in our second year, and have been delighted to have such an exciting range of events, menus and offers to promote as part of Norwich Wine Week.

We would really value your feedback to help us improve Norwich Wine Week for future years. Please complete this short survey to share your thoughts.

We look forward to working with you more in future!

Best wishes,
Chloe Samways (chloe.samways@norwichbid.co.uk)

Our privacy policy can be found here


Norwich Wine Week Showcase

Have you been involved in Norwich Business Improvement District events in the past? (E.g. City Food Trails, Love Light Norwich).*

Have you been involved in Norwich Business Improvement District events in the past? (E.g. City Food Trails, Love Light Norwich).*

How did you hear about Norwich Wine Week?*

How did you hear about Norwich Wine Week?*

Did you find it easy to participate in Norwich Wine Week? *

Did you find it easy to participate in Norwich Wine Week? *

If you answered 'no' in question 3, please tell us what would have made the experience easier?

If you answered 'no' in question 3, please tell us what would have made the experience easier?

Please estimate how many customers engaged in your Norwich Wine Week activity? *

Please estimate how many customers engaged in your Norwich Wine Week activity? *

Min 0 / Max 100
How many people attended

Did you have enough marketing material to promote your involvement in the Norwich Wine Week? *

Did you have enough marketing material to promote your involvement in the Norwich Wine Week? *

If you answered 'no' to question 6, what additional materials would have been useful?

If you answered 'no' to question 6, what additional materials would have been useful?

What could we improve for next time?*

What could we improve for next time?*

Would you like to participate in Norwich Wine Week in future years?*

Would you like to participate in Norwich Wine Week in future years?*

If you are satisfied with how your event went, please provide a testimonial below

If you are satisfied with how your event went, please provide a testimonial below

This testimonial maybe used for future marketing.