The Norwich Solar System

Norwich, the vibrant City of Stories, is taking a bold step towards a net-zero carbon future with the innovative Norwich Solar System. This visionary project, undertaken in collaboration with the Norwich Eco Hub and Synfo and funded by the County Council’s Norfolk Investment Framework, aims to establish what may be the UK’s largest urban solar farm by harnessing the potential of suitable commercial rooftop space across all eight districts of the city.

Norwich has around 100,000 buildings, with 31% non-residential. Of these, the Norwich BID area consists of over 700 levy paying businesses spanning 293ha, representing a large proportion of the energy usage in the city centre. The surge in energy prices, coupled with net zero aspirations presents an urgent opportunity to explore new forms of low carbon, low-cost energy for Norwich.


Interested? Fill out this form to express interest in the project and we will get back to you shortly.


Norwich Solar System Expression of Interest

Business Name *

Business Name *



Address of interested property*

Address of interested property*

Contact name*

Contact name*

Contact email address*

Contact email address*

Occupancy status*

Occupancy status*

How many years left do you have on your leasehold/mortgage?

How many years left do you have on your leasehold/mortgage?

Please skip if not applicable

Who is the landowner/managing agent?

Who is the landowner/managing agent?

Please skip if not applicable

Can you provide contact details of the landowner/managing agent?

Can you provide contact details of the landowner/managing agent?

Please skip if not applicable

What is your annual energy consumption in kWh? (or your best estimate)*

What is your annual energy consumption in kWh? (or your best estimate)*

What is your annual energy bill? (to the nearest pound)

What is your annual energy bill? (to the nearest pound)

Who is your existing electricity supplier and tariff?

Who is your existing electricity supplier and tariff?

Could you provide half hourly energy data?

Could you provide half hourly energy data?

What is your MPAN?

What is your MPAN?

An MPAN (Meter Point Administration Number) is a unique 13-digit reference that identifies each electricity supply point.

Do you have a single or three phase electricity supply?

Do you have a single or three phase electricity supply?

This can be identified by opening the consumer unit and seeing if there is one or three main fuses

Have you had any surveys undertaken for solar installation?

Have you had any surveys undertaken for solar installation?

If you have had a survey completed, can you please upload it?

If you have had a survey completed, can you please upload it?

This type of file isn't allowed
The file size must be up to 10 MB

The Norwich Solar System is a really exciting initiative to see if we could turn Norwich businesses’ redundant roof space into a local energy community. We know that energy is one of the biggest costs and challenges to businesses today, so working with Synfo and Norwich Eco Hub, we have found that installing solar panels on 307 roofs could avoid the production of 25,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide entering our atmosphere, the equivalent of removing the emissions of 145 million car miles over 25 years. This is just one way in which we are supporting our businesses reach net zero carbon as part of Net Zero Norwich.

Michael Yates
Sustainability Lead & Project Coordinator

Download the reports

18 October 2023

The Norwich Solar System – Executive Summary


26 October 2023

The Norwich Solar System – Drivers and Barriers


26 October 2023

The Norwich Solar System – Technical Report
