Work in Norwich

Work in Norwich (WiN) is Norwich’s official inward investment campaign, developed with funding from Norwich’s Town Deal, and supported by Norwich City Council.

In 2021 Norwich BID was allocated £180k from Norwich’s £25m Town Deal fund, to deliver a branding project to: ‘establish a cohesive commercial proposition for Norwich as ‘the place’ for business and promote the city as one of the best places in the world to live, learn, work and succeed.’

Work in Norwich (or WiN, for short) was officially launched in October 2021, and was followed by an award-winning talent attraction campaign in 2022: WiN Every Day. is an up-to-date resource for any business making a move to the city, or any individual who’s interested in relocating here.

The website is also home to several resources which are free for Norwich businesses to use, to support them with their own recruitment and staff retention objectives. These include:

  • Six inspiring case studies, and associated case study films
  • An in-depth ‘Norwich prospectus’ which provides a picture of city life, talent pool and infrastructure.
  • A lighter DL leaflet about living in Norwich, which is perfect for recruitment fairs and quick-look information about city life and location
  • Extensive lists of individual property agents, social groups, professional networks and useful business contacts


How can I use Work in Norwich? 

A key objective of the Work in Norwich campaign is helping local businesses with recruitment and retention of staff. Norwich BID encourages businesses to take advantage of:

Work in Norwich website which includes a wealth of local knowledge on housing, education, employment, networks and support available for those considering a move to Norwich.

Work in Norwich case study films showing a day in the life of six Norwich residents and how they enjoy working in this wonderful city.

Work in Norwich prospectus is also available for those who value a printed asset for use at employment or careers fairs.

We are keen to understand how we can support local businesses with staff recruitment, or scaling their operation. Please get in touch with to find out more about the project.