Norwich Business Crime Survey 2025

Your participation in the Norwich Business Crime Survey will help make Norwich a safer, more secure place.

The survey is conducted by ALERT, Norwich’s business crime reduction partnership operated by Norwich Business Improvement District, to gather information about the types and frequency of crimes affecting businesses in Norwich. It aims to understand the nature and extent of business crime in Norwich, assess the impact of crime on businesses, inform crime prevention strategies, and advocate for additional resources.

How will we use your data? All your data will be anonymised and used to write a report regarding business crime in Norwich. We intend to perform this exercise with our partners across the country to develop a local, regional and national picture, detailing the impacts of business crime. This research will be of national significance and help contribute to crime prevention strategies. Our privacy policy can be found here.

Want to learn more about business crime in our city? Join us at the Norwich Business Crime Conference on Tuesday March 11th 2025 in the Auditorium at The Forum. This free-to-attend conference is designed to address the pressing concerns and challenges faced by businesses in the current economic environment. It’s an opportunity for business owners, managers, and employees to discover effective strategies to combat crime, hear from industry experts, and network with colleagues from within the industry. Book your space via Eventbrite.

Business name

Business name

Business size

Business size



What area of business crime are you most concerned about?*

What area of business crime are you most concerned about?*

What type of criminality impacts your business the most?*

What type of criminality impacts your business the most?*

How frequently is your business affected by*

How frequently is your business affected by*

Very infrequently
Neither infrequently or frequently
Very frequently
Crime groups
Drug dealing
Drink or drugs involved in offences
Verbal abuse
Weapons involved in offences
Theft or fraud
Violence involved

How good a job do you think the Police do to tackle and respond to the business crimes you experience? *

How good a job do you think the Police do to tackle and respond to the business crimes you experience? *

Do you feel that you are able to share the information you want to regarding business crime with the Police and other stakeholders?*

Do you feel that you are able to share the information you want to regarding business crime with the Police and other stakeholders?*

If no, what barriers are there to sharing information?

If no, what barriers are there to sharing information?

If yes, what information do you share?

If yes, what information do you share?

Select all that apply

What are the biggest obstacles to reporting business crime? *

What are the biggest obstacles to reporting business crime? *

Please rank from 1 to 5, with 1 being the smallest obstacle and 5 being the largest obstacle

1 - Smallest obstacle
5 - Largest obstacle
No belief that anything will come from reporting
Lack of staff time
Difficulties accessing reporting systems
Lack of clarity on how best to report crimes
Concern that an increase in reports will result in store reviews

Which of the following do you consider to be high, medium or low cyber security risks facing your business?*

Which of the following do you consider to be high, medium or low cyber security risks facing your business?*

Low risk
Medium risk
High risk
Social engineering
Theft of data
Web app attacks
Credential stuffing

Which do you consider will be the three most significant threats to your business over the next two years?*

Which do you consider will be the three most significant threats to your business over the next two years?*

Please select 3

What more could be done to help support your business? *

What more could be done to help support your business? *

How effective do you think the business crime reduction partnership is at coordinating a response to tackle antisocial behaviour, crime and improve perceptions of safety in the city centre? *

How effective do you think the business crime reduction partnership is at coordinating a response to tackle antisocial behaviour, crime and improve perceptions of safety in the city centre? *

What services would you like to see from your business crime reduction partnership? *

What services would you like to see from your business crime reduction partnership? *